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Details for Professor Dick Clements

Personal details
Name Professor Dick Clements
Job title Emeritus Professor
Department Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 331 5617
Qualifications PGCE, M.A., Ph.D.(Cantab.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Royal Aeronautical Society
Royal Institute of Navigation
Higher Education Academy
Institute of Mathematics and Its Application
Keywords knots and ropework
Areas of expertise I have 20 years experience teaching, analysing and researching real knots. The study of real knots is concerned with knots which can be tied in real physical lengths of rope. Topics of interest include the classification of knots, assessment of the strength and security of knots, mechanisms for the failure of knots, the symmetries of knots and their effects on knot properties, and techniques for tying knots.

I am also involved in the forensics of knotting. When accidents or crimes involve the use of ropes, ligatures and knots, careful examination of the evidence together with extensive knowledge of knots and the way people tie them can reveal useful information about the circumstances of the accident or crime.

I am an active member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers, the principal association concerned with promoting the study of knotting.