Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Marianne Ailes

Personal details
Name Dr Marianne Ailes
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department Department of French University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.A.(Edin.), Ph.D.(R'dg)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Royal Society of Arts
Society for French Studies
Societe Rencesvals
International Arthurian Society
International Courtly Literature Society
Keywords Medieval French literature
early vernacular chronicles
literature of the crusades
Richard I
Charlemagne in England
Manuscript fragments
Areas of expertise My research interests are in Medieval French literature, in particular the (frequently politically engaged) chansons de geste and early vernacular chronicles. I am actively involved in editing and translating as well as interpretative studies. Much of my research is focused on literature of the crusades, the perception and depiction of the Other, either the Saracen or the female Other, and intertextual readings of texts. I am currently working on the unconverted Saracens of the chansons de geste and engaged in a collaborative project on Charlemagne in different literary cultures (
Languages (other than English)
French spoken    written
Media experience Interviewed on BBC Midland TV