Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Mike O'Mahony

Personal details
Name Professor Mike O'Mahony
Job title Professor of History of Art and Visual Culture
Department Department of History of Art (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A., Ph.D.(Lond.)
Professional details
Keywords Olympic Games and art
representations of sport in art
Moscow metro
Aleksandr Deineka
Sergei Eisenstein
Soviet art
Soviet public monuments in the post-Soviet era
Soviet culture
Areas of expertise My recent research and publications have examined: representations of sport and physical culture in official and unofficial Soviet art; the fate of Soviet public monuments in the post-Soviet era; the Moscow metro; and the work of Aleksandr Deineka. At present I am working on a study of the Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein.

My research interests include: Russian visual culture in the twentieth century, especially official art of the Soviet period; Late and Post-Soviet cultural developments; the Moscow metro; the promotion and reception of Soviet culture in the international arena.