Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Daniel Karlin

Personal details
Name Professor Daniel Karlin
Job title Winterstoke Professor of English
Department Department of English University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA, MA, PhD(Cantab.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Browning Society
Kipling Society
Tennyson Society
Keywords Victorian poetry
nineteenth-century American literature
Bob Dylan
Rudyard Kipling
Robert Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Victorian literature
Marcel proust
Areas of expertise My primary field of research is Victorian poetry, especially the work of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Other strong interests include nineteenth-century American literature, and the work of Rudyard Kipling, Marcel Proust, and Bob Dylan.

My current research includes a project on the 'figure of the singer' in English poetry, and (with Samantha Matthews) an edition of Henry James's The Bostonians; I am also planning a collaborative project on the use of French words and phrases in English literature.
Languages (other than English)
French spoken    written
Media experience Extensive experience of printed media (articles and reviews). I have done quite a lot of radio and am comfortable with that. I have done occasional pieces to camera, both live and recorded.