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Details for Dr Paul Gates

Personal details
Name Dr Paul Gates
Job title Research Fellow
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BSc (Warw.), M.Sc.(Warw.), Ph.D.(Cantab.)
Professional details
Keywords mass spectrometry
ion fragmentation
natural products
complex organic molecules
gas-phase chemistry
inorganic mass spectrometry
Areas of expertise My speciality and area of research is the analysis of natural products and complex organic molecules by tandem and sequential mass spectrometry - especially using electrospray ionisation and collision induced dissociation. I am also generally interested in all areas of modern mass spectrometry, especially those applied to ion fragmentation studies and gas-phase chemistry.

During my PhD, I developed methodologies for identifying biosynthetic structural alterations within macrolide antibiotics. Since my PhD, I have extended this work and have developed similar methodologies for the analysis of several new compound classes. I am now working at extending this research to cover a wider range of compound types.

Other ares of research revolve around improving existing mass spectrometry methodologies, especially when related to the analysis of inorganic complexes.