Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Christine MacLeod

Personal details
Name Professor Christine MacLeod
Job title Emeritus Professor of Historical Studies (History)
Department Department of History (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Cantab.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Member of the Blackwell History Compass editorial board and active in the Society for the History of Technology.
Keywords history of technology
history of inventions
history of patents
changing status of inventors
nineteenth-century British culture
Heroes of Invention
history of design
Areas of expertise I specialise in the cultural history of technology, in particular the history of inventions and patents in Britain, between the 17th and early 20th centuries, with a comparative interest in France. I recently published a book on the changing status of inventors and its implications for nineteenth-century British culture, the patent system, and the historiography of the Industrial Revolution, Heroes of Invention: technology, liberalism and British national identity 1750-1914 (Cambridge University Press, 2007). More generally, I am interested in the Industrial Revolution from a technological and environmental perspective. I teach on an interdisciplinary unit in Sustainable Development.
Languages (other than English)
French spoken    written