Directory of Experts

Details for Mr Mark Neild

Personal details
Name Mr Mark Neild
Job title Teaching Fellow
Department Centre for Innovation University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Fellow of Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs (FIoEE)
Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management (FInstLM)
Keywords innovation
Business Model Innovation
Collaboration and Partnering
Areas of expertise As a long time practitioner and more recent academic, I have many years in the practical application of innovation having generated hundreds of millions of pounds in benefits from projects.
My particular interest is the people aspects of innovation in SMEs including partnering collaboration and co-creation, but I also have deep expertise in digital imaging technologies.
I am an award winning SME mentor and author of the book 'Innovate your way to extraordinary'.
Media experience Have done TV and radio interviews as well as written articles for print media