Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Steve Simpson

Personal details
Name Dr Steve Simpson
Job title Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 954 5909
Out-of-hours contact details home07900 551 883
Qualifications B.Sc.(Liv.), M.Res.(York), Ph.D.(York)
Professional details
Keywords ecology
climate change
marine biology
coral reefs
animal behaviour
Cabot Institute
Areas of expertise I am a marine biologist and fish ecologist, with particular interests in coral reef fishes, commercial fisheries, climate change, fish behaviour, and aquaculture.

I specifically work on:

* The effects of climate change on European fish communities
* Underwater noise and its influence on fish behaviour
* Fish population biology and dispersal
* Population connectivity and marine protected areas.

My work combines overseas fieldwork, often in remote and challenging third world environments, with laboratory-based behaviour experiments and computer modelling.

I am a well-trained and skilled communicator with a passion for delivering science to the public and to children.

I am a NERC / Cabot Institute Knowledge Exchange Fellow, which means in addition to my research, I have regular and strategic meetings with policymakers, industrial partners and management and conservation agencies.
Media experience I won the Daily Telegraph Science Writer Competition in 2001.

I have given interviews on BBC Countryfile, BBC Radio 4 Series "The Sound of Life", BBC Radio 4 and World Service, and on International Radio (NPR, CBC, ABC, Radio Sweden, Deutschland Radio).

I have provided expert comment for New Scientist and the Edinburgh Evening News.

My work has been covered widely, including: Science, Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Financial Times, New York Times, Seattle Times, and Sydney Morning Herald.

I regularly give advice for TV series, including BBC Life, Wild Arabia, and Survival, and to recent series by Bear Grylls and Marcus du Sautoy.