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Details for Professor Ann Williams

Personal details
Name Professor Ann Williams
Job title Professor of Experimental Oncology
Department School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc., Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies BACR
Keywords key events in early colorectal carcinogenesis
tumour microenvironment for gene expression & function
Regulation of apoptosis.
NF-kappaB/Bcl-3 regulation in colorectal carcinogenesis,
Areas of expertise -Dynamism in transcription factor function in response to microenvironmental stress provides new avenues for selective targeting of tumour cells and in this context. BAG-1 is a modulator of NF-kappa B signaling; this has implications for the regulation of a number of important pro-survival factors including the COX-2/prostaglandin, EGF and TGF-beta pathways.

-Previously identified BAG-1 as a pRb (tumour suppressor gene) binding protein; currently studying the role of this interaction in the determination of lineage commitment in stem cells.

-Recently identified the mechanism by which BAG-1 can repress gene expression via the atypical p50 NF-kappa B homodimeric pathway.

-The regulation of epithelial NF-kappa B signaling in inflammatory bowel disease. The aim is identify early markers of tumorigenic progression that could be used in the management of chronic bowel disease; investigating the role of BAG-1 in the innate tumour immune response, investigating the potential for TGF-beta1 mediated regulation of anti-tumour immunity.