Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Colin Taylor

Personal details
Name Professor Colin Taylor
Job title Professor of Earthquake Engineering
Department Department of Civil Engineering University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Qualifications B.Sc.(Leeds), Ph.D.(Bristol), C.Eng., FICE
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Member Institution of Civil Engineers
Member Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics
Member British Dam Society
Member British Nuclear Energy Society
Keywords earthquake engineering
long span bridges
vibrations and dynamics
climate change impact
complex infrastructures
systems modelling
infrastructure renewal and performance
Areas of expertise Earthquake and dynamic design of civil engineering systems, especially dams, long span bridges, buildings and nuclear facilities.

Developing new, holistic, risk-based approach for managing the performance of complex built environment systems over their life-cycle (design to decommissioning). Applying these ideas to assessing the impact of climate change on the UK Electricity Supply Industry and other utilities.

Developing advanced large-scale laboratory test techniques in earthquake engineering and structural dynamics (e.g. shaking table testing). A lead academic in development of the £15m BLADE laboratories.
Media experience Many radio, TV interviews over the past 20 years, especially after earthquakes. Tomorrow's World, Horizon, Discovery, etc. have often filmed in the earthquake engineering laboratory.

Written/informed articles for local and national press, professional and trade magazines etc.

Public lectures/seminars to professional bodies, schools, SET weeks, public exhibitions etc.