Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Gillian Porter

Personal details
Name Dr Gillian Porter
Job title Research Fellow
Department School of Psychological Science University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(N'cle), Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords pupil dilation
processing load
visual input
eye movement patterns
psychophysical methods
visual information processing
Areas of expertise My PhD research investigated the use of pupil dilation as a measure of processing load, particularly with visual input while avoiding confounds associated with the pupil’s visual reflexes. I am also interested in studying eye movement patterns and psychophysical methods. I use these techniques to investigate various aspects of how visual information is processed and how attentional resources are allocated. My current work focuses on how such processes are compromised in healthy ageing and with the onset of dementia.