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Details for Professor Philip Donoghue

Personal details
Name Professor Philip Donoghue
Job title Professor of Palaeobiology
Department School of Earth Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Leic.), M.Sc. (Sheff.), Ph.D.(Leic.)
Professional details
Keywords evolution
living organisms
fossil organisms
Areas of expertise My research is focused on the relationship between evolution and embryology, integrating living and fossil organisms, developmental biology, and knowledge of their evolutionary relationships, to provide an holistic understanding of major episodes in evolutionary history.

I have particular interest in the evolutionary emergence of vertebrates, and of ecdysozoans, but also in the evolutionary emergence of animals more generally. This entails classical palaeobiology, but also molecular genetics – to calibrate the Tree of Life to time using molecular clock theory, and to determine the role of genetic regulators of development in effecting organismal-level evolutionary change.

My group has facilities for rock digestion, high-end computed tomography, animal culture facilities and a molecular laboratory for RT-PCR, cloning, and in situ hybridisation.