Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Judy Rorison

Personal details
Name Professor Judy Rorison
Job title Professor of Optoelectronics
Department Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(McG.), D.Phil.(Oxon.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Fellow of Institute of Physics, Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Vice Chair of the EU Cost action MP0805 on III-V-N materials
Keywords semicondutor materials and devices
edge-emitting and vcsels
highly-mismatched alloys and quantum dot materials
electronic transport
Areas of expertise I am a member of the Photonics Group within the Centre for Communications Research. My Research focusses on semiconductor materials and devices usually nanostructured materials/devices where the physics can be tailored for a range of applications such as telecommunications, sensing, storage etc. Facilities in the group include excellent modelling codes,a clean room, a focused ion beam facility, and excellent device experimental kit.