Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Philip Syrpis

Personal details
Name Professor Philip Syrpis
Job title Professor of EU Law
Department University of Bristol Law School University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.A.(Cantab.), D.Phil.(Oxon.), B.C.L.
Professional details
Keywords European social policy
European Union constitutional law
University Admissions
General Election 2017
Areas of expertise I write on European social policy and internal market law, and on the broader constitutional issues facing the European Union.
I have published a monograph 'EU Intervention in Domestic Labour Law' (OUP, 2007), and an edited collection 'The Judiciary, the legislature and the internal market' (CUP, 2012).

I have been on the board of the LNAT consortium since 2004, as Chair in 2005-6; and have been much involved in admissions policy.