Directory of Experts

Details for Professor David Gordon

Personal details
Name Professor David Gordon
Job title Professorial Research Fellow in Social Justice
Department School for Policy Studies University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 954 6761
Qualifications B.Sc.(Sus.), Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords poverty and deprivation
health inequalities
social inclusion
social justice
Third World
resource allocation
Areas of expertise I am an expert on poverty and poverty related research. I am director of the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research ( I am also the Professor of Social Justice in the School for Policy Studies and have an expertise in social justice and criminal justice matters.

I have done extensive research into inequalities in health and the fair allocation of government expenditure

I am also experienced in the analysis of social statistics and in particular the Census.

Finally, I have more than ten years experience of studying disability in childhood and into the definitions of disability.
Media experience I am used to talking to and writing for the media