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Details for Professor Daniella Acker

Personal details
Name Professor Daniella Acker
Job title Professor of Finance and Accounting
Department Department of Accounting and Finance University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.A.(Cantab.), Ph.D.(Bristol), A.C.A.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Keywords estimation of returns distributions
capital structure
behavioural finance
Areas of expertise My research interests include the estimation of returns distributions, accounting events, volatility and behavioural finance. I have published in the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, the British Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

My paper with David Ashton, ‘Establishing Bounds on the Tax Advantage to Debt’, won the prize for the most outstanding of the articles published in The British Accounting Review in 2003. My paper with Nigel Duck, ‘Estimating Betas and Stock-Return Correlations from Monthly Data: A Warning Note’ (now entitled ‘Reference-Day Risk and the Use of Monthly Returns Data’) won the prize for the best paper presented at the INQUIRE Spring and Summer conferences 2005.