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Details for Dr Evan Jones

Personal details
Name Dr Evan Jones
Job title Senior Lecturer in Economic and Social History
Department Department of History (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 928 8971
Qualifications M.A.(Edin.), M.A,(York), Ph.D.(Edin.)
Professional details
Keywords maritime history
early modern period
voyages of discovery
Areas of expertise I specialise in Bristol's fourteenth - seventeenth century maritime history - including shipping, smuggling, trade, privateering and voyages of discovery. In this connection I also works on the economic, political and urban history of Bristol during this period.
Media experience Numerous radio programmes and newspaper interviews since 2001, including feature-length programmes on Radio 3 and 4. Also a few short television news interviews on Points West and HTV News.