Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Carl Dettmann

Personal details
Name Professor Carl Dettmann
Job title Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department School of Mathematics University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications A.Mus.A (piano), B.Sc.(Hons.), Ph.D.(Physics)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Fellow of the Institute of Physics
Keywords chaos
mathematical billiards
statistical physics
wireless networks
Areas of expertise Nonlinear dynamics ("chaos theory"), which describes much of the complicated and unpredictable behaviour in the physical universe, and also intricate "fractal" shapes.

Statistical mechanics: How large scale properties of matter are derived from forces between molecules. Connections between statistical mechanics and chaos. Computer simulation methods.

Relativity: Einstein's theory of space, time and gravity.

Wireless communications: Connectivity of spatially distributed random networks.
Media experience Interviews for the Mathematics Ethnography Project and radio BCfm.