Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Sharon Collard

Personal details
Name Professor Sharon Collard
Job title Chair in Personal Finance
Department School of Geographical Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Bath)
Professional details
Keywords money management
low-income households
financial exclusion
financial capability
Areas of expertise I have over ten years’ experience of conducting social research, much of it around money management and credit use among low-income households. I have wide-ranging research expertise covering both qualitative and quantitative research techniques and an extensive knowledge of policy around debt, financial exclusion and financial capability.

I have particular experience in undertaking research with vulnerable groups, including a study of financially excluded people who use outreach money advice services, the first empirical study in the UK of illegal money lending, and several research studies exploring people’s views and experiences of the Social Fund.