Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Andrea Diambra

Personal details
Name Dr Andrea Diambra
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department Department of Civil Engineering University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 331 5600
Qualifications BSc, MSc(Marche), PhD(Bristol)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies British Geotechnical Association (BGA)
Keywords geotechnical engineering
soil reinforcement
fibre reinforced soil
constitutive modelling for soils
soil liquefaction
pile-soil interaction
crushing of natural soil
Areas of expertise As a geotechnical engineer I am interested in many problems related to the behaviour of soils both natural and artificially reinforced.

As an active member of the Cabot Institute, I am also interested in research programmes to tackle the challenges of uncertain environmental change.

My current research activities include:

- advanced laboratory testing on the behaviour of both natural and reinforced soil

- development of constitutive models for both natural and reinforced soil and implemetation in FE code

- fibre reinforced soil

- crushing of natural soil

- static and dynamic behaviour of pile in soft rocks such as chalk or mudstones
Languages (other than English)
Italian spoken    written