Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Jo Crow

Personal details
Name Dr Jo Crow
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Leeds), M.A.(Lond.), PhD(Lond)
Professional details
Keywords chilean cultural history
chilean nationalism
Peruvian nationalism
nation building
mapuche history
intellectuality & politics
indigenous history
Areas of expertise My research interests include Chilean cultural history, nationalism and nation building, and Mapuche history, intellectuality and politics. My new research project is a comparative study of Chilean and Peruvian nationalisms (1879-1929), focusing on the ‘frontier-zone’ of northern Chile/ southern Peru.
Languages (other than English)
Spanish spoken    written