Directory of Experts

Details for Dr David Gibson

Personal details
Name Dr David Gibson
Job title Research Fellow
Department Department of Computer Science University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.Sc.(Essex)
Professional details
Keywords computer vision
3D models generation
High speed image capture
XMOS systems development
Imaging systems
Filming of difficult subjects such as ants, flies, etc.
Hardware designs and solutions
Windows programming
Areas of expertise I am a member of the Visual Information Laboratory research group and have worked on projects that involve 3D model generation, motion capture of insects, motion analysis, high speed image capture and XMOS hardware systems. I have extensive experience of computer vision in general and program at expert levels, especially Windows platforms. I am interested in biological vision and how it can inspire and translate into computer vision system. I am interested in cross discipline collaboration and research.