Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Dorothy Price

Personal details
Name Dr Dorothy Price
Job title Reader in History of Art
Department Department of History of Art (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 954 6043
Qualifications B.A.(Leic.), Ph.D.(Essex), HEA
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Association of Art Historians
Keywords German expressionism
Weimar Culture
Realism, Magic Realism and New Objectivity in Painting
Women Artists
Race and Ethnicity in Art
Sexuality and Gender in Art
Contemporary Art in Britain
Photography in 1920s and 1930s Germany
Areas of expertise I have expertise in the areas of German art in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, particularly German Expressionism and Weimar Culture; realism, magic realism and new objectivity in German painting; art and photography in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s; I also have interests in the representation of race,sexuality,gender and the city in European art of the twentieth century and in contemporary transnational art in Britain.
Media experience Sky News; Channel 4 News; Cologne Radio; BBC Radio 4; Bristol local radio