Directory of Experts

Details for Mr Michael Liversidge

Personal details
Name Mr Michael Liversidge
Job title Emeritus Dean of Arts
Department Department of History of Art (Historical Studies) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Lond.), F.S.A.
Professional details
Keywords British art
landscape painting
garden history
classical receptions
British architecture
English landscape art
Areas of expertise I specialise in British art, principally from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with particular interests in landscape painting, landscaping and garden history, and classical receptions from the the Augustan to the Victorian periods. I co-founded the MA in Garden History, and initiated programmes with the British Institute of Florence and Richmond University in Virginia.

My research interests include British art and architecture, sixteenth to nineteenth centuries; eighteenth-century English landscape art and garden history.