Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Martin Genner

Personal details
Name Professor Martin Genner
Job title Professor in Evolutionary Ecology
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Liv.), M.Sc.(Aberd.), Ph.D.(Soton.)
Professional details
Keywords population genetics
aquatic environments
European marine fishes
fishes of the East African great lakes
climate change
conservation genetics
pelagic fishes
Areas of expertise I am interested in the ecological and evolutionary processes have shaped spatial and temporal patterns of biological diversity, primarily in aquatic environments. I have mainly worked on two systems: European marine fishes, and the fishes of the East African great lakes. I use a diverse array of techniques, including behavioural observations, analysis of species abundance data, morphometrics, population genetics and molecular phylogenetics.

Topics currently being pursued include:
· Influence of climate change and fishing on marine fish assemblages

· Conservation genetics of European migratory fishes

· Population genetics of exploited European marine fishes

· Speciation and adaptive radiation of pelagic fishes

· Evolution of an extended phenotype in cichlid fish, the sand bower, and its relevance for speciation.