Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Jon Fox

Personal details
Name Professor Jon Fox
Job title Professor of Sociology
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A. (Beloit), M.A. (UCLA), Ph.D. (UCLA)
Professional details
Keywords ethnicity
East Europe
ethnic return migration
European nationalism
Areas of expertise My expertise is in ethnicity, nationalism, and migration. I am interested in the everyday ways ordinary people understand, interpret, and are affected by these phenomena. My research has looked at everyday nationalism and ethnic return migration (cases of migration where migrant and host share the same ethnicity) in Hungary and Romania over the past 15 years. I am currently doing research on the racialisation of Hungarian and Romanian migration to the UK. I am also the Hungarian partner for an EU-funded comparison of tolerance across 15 countries. In addition I have researched and/or published on East European nationalism in the context of European enlargement, ethnic return migration in European and Asian comprative perspective, Roma asylum seekers coming to the UK, and the civic integrationist turn in naturalisation policies in Europe and North America. I am happy to discuss these and similar topics in relation to Hungary, Romania, and the UK.
Languages (other than English)
Hungarian spoken    written
Romanian spoken