Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Theo Tryfonas

Personal details
Name Dr Theo Tryfonas
Job title Reader in Smart Cities
Department Department of Civil Engineering University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications PhD(Athens), FRSA
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies I am a member of ISACA’s Academic Relations Committee (ARC) continuously since 2006. I am also a member of the BCS, IET and INCOSE.

I am Associate Editor in Chief of the Intl. Jour. of Computer Science and Security. I am also in the editorial board of two other international journals (Intl. Jour. of Digital Crime and Forensics, Intl. Jour. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics) and serve as a reviewer for a number of others, including IEEE's Security and Privacy and MIS Quarterly.
Keywords computing in civil engineering systems
urban information infrastructures design
wireless sensors
sustainable development
security engineering and forensic computing
higher education
Areas of expertise I am primarily interested in conducting research work within the following fields:

§ Applications of computing in civil engineering systems - urban information infrastructures design, wireless sensors and monitoring, intelligent buildings, RFID in construction etc.;

§ Sustainable development - stakeholder engagement platforms and collaboration tools design, sustainability modelling, renewable energy systems architecture;

§ Security engineering and computer forensics - quantitative and qualitative risk analysis, protection of information and critical infrastructures, first response and investigation of failures, visualisation of complex evidence, professional issues of expert witnessing;

§ Teaching and learning in higher education - reusable learning objects, assessment for learning, synoptic assessment and inquiry-based learning.
Languages (other than English)
Greek spoken    written