Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Bronwen Morgan

Personal details
Name Professor Bronwen Morgan
Job title Senior Research Associate
Department University of Bristol Law School University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications LL.B.(Syd.), Ph.D.(Calif.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies I am an Executive Committee member of the UK Socio-Legal Studies Association, and an active member of the US-based Law and Society Association. I also serve on the Advisory Board for the Law, Science and Society series recently launched by University College London Press.
Keywords political economy of regulatory reform
regulatory reform
social rights
economic rights
human rights
global governance
water delivery
Areas of expertise My research focuses on the political economy of regulatory reform, the intersection between regulation and social and economic human rights, and global governance (especially issues such as citizenship that link social theory and political economy). My teaching interests include Regulation, Socio-Legal Studies, Public Law and Jurisprudence.

I have recently been Principal Investigator for a research project jointly funded by the ESRC and AHRB, 'The Commodification of Water, Social Protest and Cosmopolitan Citizenship'. The project has explored the links between the status of 'global consumer' and patterns of global governance around water in the context of private sector participation in water delivery to households, its consequences and social protest (