Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Harvey Goldstein

Personal details
Name Professor Harvey Goldstein
Job title Professor of Social Statistics
Department School of Education University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Manc.), F.B.A.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Fellow of the Association for Educational Assessment, Europe.
fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
Member of the International Statistical Institute
Keywords statistical modelling
assessment models
educational effectiveness
value added indicators
multilevel modelling
Areas of expertise My principal research activity is in the Methodology of multilevel modelling where I have been one of the leaders in the field since 1986. My book 'Multilevel Statistical Models' is in its third edition and a standard reference work in the field.

I am also interested in statistical modelling techniques in the construction and analysis of educational tests. The implications of adopting such models have been explored in a series of papers since 1977. In a number of papers I have also explored the ideas of criterion referenced assessment, comparability of assessments and the interaction of assessment modes and the purposes of assessment.

Another of my research interests is the area of 'educational (school) effectiveness'. I have been involved in a number of longitudinal studies of 'value added indicators' for comparing institutions and the use of such indicators for school improvement purposes.