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Details for Dr Roland Baddeley

Personal details
Name Dr Roland Baddeley
Job title Reader
Department School of Psychological Science University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications Ph.D.(Stir.)
Professional details
Keywords animal communication
Bayesian modelling
computer models in psychology
statistics of natural images
eye movements
motor learning
Areas of expertise My first degree was in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science from Sussex, and after various computer related jobs in industry, I did a PhD with Roger Watt at Stirling University on statistical models of early vision. After post-docs in Cambridge Physiology dept (with Horace Barlow), and Oxford Psychology and Physiology, I got a lectureship in Experimental Psychology at the University of Sussex. I moved at the end of 2003 to Bristol.

My research interests include; animal communication, Bayesian modelling, computer models in psychology, statistics of natural images, eye movements, memory and forgetting and motor learning.

I teach on the 2nd year course advanced statistics, the third year option Computer models in Psychology, the third year option Computational Neuroscience, and the Masters level course Psychological Statistics. I am organiser of the Research Methods MSc and Masters course organiser.