Areas of expertise |
My research on colloid and interface science and applications of neutron scattering is well-known internationally. I am recognized as a pioneer in stabilizers (surfactants) for dispersions in low density and supercritical fluids like carbon dioxide, alkanes and fluoroalkanes many of which are unique to the Bristol group. I focus on general surface area and interface science, especially involving novel surfactants and polymers. My research group develops new surfactants for various applications. Therefore, molecular design, synthesis, NMR and Mass Spectroscopy are important aspects. A wide variety of techniques are employed to probe interfacial and self-assembly properties. Tensiometric methods are key, and my group has available a wide range of equipment (drop shape analysis, drop volume, maximum bubble pressure, spinning-drop and duNouy-Wilhelmy equipment). Finally, my group has developed the technique of high-pressure small-angle neutron scattering (HP-SANS) at ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, which is an invaluable tool for interrogating self-assembly systems in CO2.