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Details for Professor Paul Bartlett

Personal details
Name Professor Paul Bartlett
Job title Professor of Soft Matter Science
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A. (hons), M.A. (Oxon)., D.Phil.(Oxon.)
Professional details
Keywords soft matter chemistry
soft condensed matter science of colloids and nanoparticles
Areas of expertise My research group studies the design, synthesis and analysis of soft matter systems, focusing in particular on the structure and dynamics of colloidal suspensions. Soft Matter is the science of squishy materials such as as polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, foams, gels, and a wide variety of self-organizing materials. Or on a more technical note, it is the study of materials with length scales which are much larger than molecules, so their physical properties are dominated by thermal fluctuations and easily deformed by applied external stresses. We employ a variety of experimental techniques such as three-dimensional confocal microscopy, optical manipulation, and light, X-ray and neutron scattering to understand how the macroscopic physical properties of soft materials are determined by the mesoscopic structure of these fascinating materials.