Directory of Experts

Details for Mr Andrea Zhok

Personal details
Name Mr Andrea Zhok
Job title Language Director (Italian)
Department Department of Italian University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications MA (Udine), PGCE (Wales, Swansea), Dip Trans IoL
Professional details
Keywords language teaching methodology
Italian current affairs
Italisn opera
Areas of expertise My main interests are language teaching methodology (particularly innovative ways and use of ICT and multimedia), translation, Italian current affairs and Italian opera (mainly 18th and 19th century). I am a contributor to Tuttitalia. I am the organiser of an annual Italian Opera & Song Concert for the Department. Last year's event - Cantando l'Italia - revolved around the theme of the musical journey to Italy.