Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Jon Blundy

Personal details
Name Professor Jon Blundy
Job title Professorial Research Fellow in Petrology
Department School of Earth Sciences University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Cantab.), FRS
Professional details
Keywords magma
igneous petrology
subduction zones
destructive plate boundaries
Areas of expertise My research concerns the generation, movement and evolution of magma within the Earth. I use a combination of igneous petrology, high temperature and pressure experimental , thermodynamics and field geology to address the fundamental problem of how volcanoes work. Of particular interest are processes associated with magmatism at destructive plate boundaries (subduction zones), which host many of the world’s most explosive volcanoes.

Currently I am involved in research projects at several active volcanoes in the USA (Mount St. Helens), Mexico (Volcán Colima and Nevados de Toluca) and the Afar region of Ethiopia, an area of active continental rifting.