Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Andy Radford

Personal details
Name Professor Andy Radford
Job title Professor of Behavioural Ecology
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.A. (Cantab), M.Sc.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Cantab.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
International Society of Behavioural Ecology
Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Keywords social behaviour
vocal communication
anthropogenic noise
information use
group decision-making
bird behaviour
development of behaviour
Areas of expertise I am primarily interested in behavioural ecology and bioacoustics. My research group currently pursue two main themes. The first concerns the conflicts and collaborations which arise within and between social groups and particularly how they are mediated by vocalisations. Using observational data, sound recordings and a variety of experimental manipulations, we are investigating a number of issues in three group-living bird species in South Africa.

Current research interests include: sentinel behaviour and vigilance patterns; alarm-call use and development; group decision-making; the function of foraging vocalisations; mediation of territorial conflict between groups.

The second major topic is the impact of anthropogenic noise on fish behaviour, physiology and development. Using a combination of laboratory and field based experiments on a variety of species, and acoustic soundscape mapping, we are considering the scale of impact of this increasing and global issue.
Media experience Regular appearances on radio shows to talk both about my own work and to discuss interesting stories of relevance in the media. Some similar experience on TV. Many articles published about my work in the national and international print media.