Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Alex Marsh

Personal details
Name Professor Alex Marsh
Job title Professor of Public Policy
Department School for Policy Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Warw.), M.Soc.Sci.(Birm.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Co-editor of Housing Studies, 2006-2009. Member of the Housing Studies Association Executive Committee, 2002-2008.

Trustee of Brunelcare, 2004-2012.
Keywords housing policy
housing economics and finance
theorizing the policy process
organisation and management in the public sector
social and private rented housing
economics and the policy process
Areas of expertise My research activities have focused on various aspects of housing policy in the UK. I have been particularly concerned with policy and finance in the social housing sector and the regulation of private rented sector. My interest in housing policy is both substantive and for the insights it can offer into broader questions of policy-making and the policy process. My most recent book is a five volume collection entitled Housing Economics, edited for Sage with Ken Gibb of Glasgow University.