Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Mark Thompson

Personal details
Name Professor Mark Thompson
Job title Professor in Quantum Photonics
Professor in Quantum Photonics
Department School of Physics University of Bristol
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications MSc(Sheff.), PhD(Cantab.)
Professional details
Keywords physics
Areas of expertise I am part of an exciting and vibrant research group developing novel photonic devices that harness the uniquely quantum mechanical properties of light to encode, transmit and process information.

My research interests are in the development of novel photonic devices for communication, sensing and computing applications.

I have over 10 years’ research experience in the field of photonics, both in industry and academia. In my most recent industrial appointment as a research fellow in Japan, I worked for Toshiba on the development of silicon photonics for the next generation of computing devices.

I have also held positions as a Research Scientist with Bookham Technology Ltd., a UK start-up specialising in photonic components, and as a Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge.