Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Luca Giuggioli

Personal details
Name Dr Luca Giuggioli
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Milan), Ph.D.(New Mexico)
Professional details
Keywords animal movement
animal interactions and territoriality
anomalous diffusion
complexity sciences
spatio-temporal ecological patterns
non-equilibrium statistical physics
foraging and search strategies
disease spread
Areas of expertise My general interest is the construction of spatially explicit theoretical models, validated through experimental observations, with the aim of explaining a variety of processes such as territoriality, foraging, disease spread and ecosystem nutrient cycling.

One of the features central to these apparently disparate processes is how animals move and interact among each other. My objective is to study and ultimately predict how certain spatio-temporal ecological patterns emerge from basic “microscopic” interactions and movement rules.
Languages (other than English)
Italian spoken    written
Spanish spoken   
French written