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Details for Professor Jeremy Tavare

Personal details
Name Professor Jeremy Tavare
Job title Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences
Department Life Sciences Faculty Office University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc., Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords glucose uptake
insulin action
insulin signal transduction
molecular biology
advanced cell biology
high throughput methods for signal transduction analysis
Areas of expertise We are primarily interested in the molecular basis by which insulin stimulates glucose uptake into fat and muscle cells. We know that the activation of protein kinase B (Akt) is central to this effect of insulin, although we have limited clues as to the precise mechanisms involved. Our work centres around:

§ Analysis of the regulation and role of two protein kinase B substrates we have recently identified, called PIKfyve and p122RhoGAP, in insulin action.

§ Proteomic identification of novel protein kinase B substrates that may play a role in GLUT4 translocation.

§ Analysis of insulin signal transduction in insulin resistance in muscle associated with morbid obesity in humans

§ Studies on the role of the Rab-family of small GTP binding proteins, and their regulators, in insulin action on glucose uptake.