Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Jeremy Phillips

Personal details
Name Dr Jeremy Phillips
Job title Reader in Physical Volcanology
Department School of Earth Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc., M.Phil.(Birm.), Ph.D.(Birmingham)
Professional details
Keywords fluid dynamics of volcanological processes
hazardous volcanic and natural flows
dynamics of gravity currents
pyroclastic flows
dynamics of bubbly magmatic flows
magma chamber dynamics
shallow magmatic plumbing systems
conduit convection
Areas of expertise My research focuses on the fluid dynamics of volcanological processes and hazardous volcanic and natural flows. Using the techniques of laboratory analogue simulation and, latterly, theoretical and computational modeling, I have investigated the dynamics of gravity currents as models for pyroclastic flows and turbidity currents, high speed two-phase conduit flows and volcanic plumes. I have applied similar methodology to problems in natural ventilation and granular flow.

My current research includes the dynamics of bubbly magmatic flows with applications to magma chamber dynamics, shallow magmatic plumbing systems and conduit convection in persistently-active volcanism.