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Details for Dr Isabella Sandwell

Personal details
Name Dr Isabella Sandwell
Job title Senior Lecturer in Ancient History
Department Department of Classics & Ancient History University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Professional details
Keywords Romans
religious history
Greek history
Roman history
Areas of expertise My main research interest is the religious history of the Roman period, particularly religious interaction between Christians and non-Christians in late antiquity. I am currently working on a book from my PhD, entitled Identity and Religious Interaction in Late Fourth Century Antioch that uses the writings of Libanius and John Chrysostom to develop a new model for understanding religious interaction in late antiquity. In this I explore in some depth the impact of the ways Chrysostom and Libanius wrote about religion on what they wrote about it. I am also interested in the categories that we use to think about religion (religion/magic, pagan/Christian, public/private) and of the continuities between the third and fourth century religious situations. As well as my specialism in religion I also have broader interests in Greek and Roman social history, the Greek world under Roman rule and the use of anthropology for studying ancient history.