Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Rich Pancost

Personal details
Name Professor Rich Pancost
Job title Professor of Biogeochemistry
Head of School
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
School of Earth Sciences University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Case W.Reserve), Ph.D.(Penn.State)
Professional details
Keywords organic geochemistry
molecular proxies
isotopic proxies
biogeochemical processes
Areas of expertise I am a member of the Organic Geochemistry Unit (OGU), based in the School of Chemistry. My research interests include molecular and isotopic proxies for biogeochemical processes in modern and ancient sediments, geomicrobiology and the preservation of organic matter.

Our research focuses on the development and refinement of proxies for paleoclimate reconstruction by using cultures and field samples to identify diagnostic compounds and the controls on their isotopic compositions.

Our work in the area of geomicrobiology includes studies of the microbiology of CO2 and methane cycling in peat deposits and the role of archaea in anaerobic methane oxidation.

Research on the preservation of organis matter focuses on both the types of environmental conditions in the past that would have favoured extensive organic matter burial and preservation (e.g. oceanic anoxic events) as well as the chemical transformation of biological organic matter into kerogen.