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Details for Dr Elspeth Van Veeren

Personal details
Name Dr Elspeth Van Veeren
Job title Lecturer in Political Science
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 928 8238
Qualifications B.Sc.(McG.), B.A.(Car.), MSc, PhD(Bristol)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies International Studies Association
British International Studies Association
Political Studies Association
American Political Science Association
Keywords American Politics
American security policies
American political culture
US foreign policy
international relations
mass fatalities
Areas of expertise The mobilization, transformation, and demobilization of security publics; the relationship between domestic and international factors in processes of state and identity formation in connection with concepts and practices of security; and the sociology and politics of knowledge, especially theories of discourse as encompassing the material and visual. I therefore have broader interests in the roles of culture (‘high’ and ‘low’) and media in producing security. This has led to expertise in the war on terror, Guantananmo, the aftermath of 9/11, technology and justice.