Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Dario Di Maio

Personal details
Name Dr Dario Di Maio
Job title Lecturer
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Ancona)
Professional details
Keywords development of tracking measurements of rotating bladed disc
continuous scanning ldv methods
caiser mymesis
vibration measurements of rotating bladed disc
blade tip timing system
scanning ldv system
Areas of expertise I completed a Mechanical Engineering PhD at Imperial College London with a project supported by the US Air Force. My thesis was on the development of tracking measurements of rotating bladed disc using Continuous Scanning LDV methods. One output of the thesis was the development and production of a software platform called CAISER MYMESIS capable of performing Continuous Scanning LDV measurement methods on structures under stationary and rotating conditions.

I held a post-doc position at Imperial College (2007) where I managed a project supported by Rolls Royce on vibration measurements of rotating bladed discs using both Blade Tip Timing (BTT) system and tracking Scanning LDV system.

Subsequently (2008) I held a post-doc position in the Rolls Royce Composite University Technology Centre (UTC) at University of Bristol developing and applying advanced experimental methods for vibration testing of components and other gas turbine structures.
Languages (other than English)
Italian spoken    written