Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Talia Isaacs

Personal details
Name Dr Talia Isaacs
Job title Research Fellow
Department School of Education University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA, MA, PhD (McGill University), PgCert (Bristol)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies American Association of Applied Linguistics
Association of Language Testers in Europe
British Association for Applied Linguistics
Canadian Association of Language Assessment - Founding Member
European Association for Language Testing and Assessment - Expert Member
International Association of Applied Linguistics
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry - Founding Member
International Language Testing Association
Keywords applied linguistics
educational assessment
second language acquisition
foreign accents
intelligible pronunciation
oral communication
language tests
social integration
Areas of expertise My research centres on the assessment of second language speaking and listening, with a focus on examining oral communication breakdowns and strategies in workplace and academic settings.

Taken together, my currently funded projects investigate how communicative efficiency is mediated by listener perceptual and attitudinal variables, with the overall goal of reducing language barriers and improving newcomers' oral communication skills to facilitate their social integration.
Languages (other than English)
French spoken    written
Media experience - 2014 BBC Somerset interview on UK regional accents

- Results of "Bilingualism: Language & Cognition" paper (2012, with P. Trofimovich) were reported by Canadian media outlets, including the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Radio Canada International (French language interview).

Topic: Teasing apart the aspects of speech that, while noticeable or irritating, do not impede listeners' understanding of foreign accented speech versus those that genuinely interfere with communication

- Interview with Boni Sones (OBE) following the invited seminar "How do examiners reach judgements?" at Cambridge Assessment.

Topic: Individual differences in raters' musical ability, phonological memory, and attention control and effects on their judgements of second language speech