Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Val Williams

Personal details
Name Professor Val Williams
Job title Emeritus Professor
Department School for Policy Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA, M Ed, PhD
Professional details
Keywords inclusive research
disabled people
learning difficulties
discourse analysis
conversation analysis
Areas of expertise Two central themes have dominated my research. These are:

a) inclusive research: including disabled people as active researchers;

b) analysing naturally-occurring communication.

During my time at Norah Fry Research Centre, I have developed and pioneered methods for including people with learning disabilities as researchers, and have made central contributions towards theorising this new ‘paradigm’ of research.

My other central interest is in communication. My thesis brought together my two central interests, as it explored and described inclusive research as a social activity, using the tools of discourse analysis (DA) and conversation analysis (CA).

My more recent work on ‘Skills for Support’ (Williams et al., 2007) is recognised as significant, since it questions the nature and relationship between researcher and researched, and the practical implications of discourse research.