Hello, welcome to the Chinese Chess and calligraphy Society.

We aim to provide the opportunity for people who are interested in understanding and exploring Chinese Chess and Calligraphy, which are believed to be the merit of Chinese cultural activities. The main interest of the society is to give its members opportunity to look into the exciting Chinese culture as well as to learn and practice these two activities.

Our speakers and demonstrators will teach you how to write Chinese Calligraphy, by the end of the year you will hopefully be able to write some simple Chinese characters, idioms and poems, the only thing you need to have is patience. If you're a beginner at the Chinese chess, we teach you the rules and basic strategy. For those already good at both Chinese Chess and Calligraphy, come along, have fun and you will be amazed at how much you improve over the year.

Starting from us, let's make these two interesting activities go fashionable! And don't forget to make as many nice friends as you wish during the events!!!

See you in our weekly sessions!

Chinese Chess Chinese Calligraphy Go Game
Chinese Culture Lecture Slides Photo Gallery

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Chinese Chess & Calligraphy Society