Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Siobhan Shilton

Personal details
Name Dr Siobhan Shilton
Job title Reader in French Studies and the Visual Arts
Department Department of French University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.A.(St.And.), Ph.D.(Liv.)
Professional details
Keywords francophone postcolonial studies
performance art
Areas of expertise I specialise in francophone postcolonial studies, and have a particular interest in visual and textual representations of journeys between the cultures of the Maghreb, sub-Saharan Africa, former ‘Indochina’, and France. I am co-author (with Charles Forsdick and Feroza Basu) of New Approaches to Twentieth-Century Travel Literature in French: history, genre, theory (Peter Lang, 2006), and I have published articles on the subjects of travel, exile, colonialism and postcolonialism. I am currently working on representations of travel and postcolonial identity in the visual or multimedia arts of photography, video, installation and performance art.