Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Caroline Williams

Personal details
Name Dr Caroline Williams
Job title Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies
Department Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A., Ph.D.(Warw.)
Professional details
Keywords colonial Spanish America
colonization of indigenous groups
Atlantic World
Portuguese America
indigenous peoples
Spanish colonization
Miskito Coast
Areas of expertise I am a historian of colonial Spanish America, and I have a particular interest in the colonization of indigenous groups on the frontiers of Spain’s empire in the Americas. Building on my previous research, as well as my current interest in exploring the significance and usefulness of the concept of the ‘Atlantic World’ for historians of Spanish and Portuguese America, I have recently begun work on a new project examining the nature and consequences of European contacts with indigenous peoples on the Miskito Coast, focusing particularly on Spanish colonization efforts in the late eighteenth century.