Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Richard Trask

Personal details
Name Dr Richard Trask
Job title Professor
Department Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Eng., MSc, PhD(Soton.)
Professional details
Keywords aerospace composites
multifunctional composites
self-healing system
space composite structures
functional repair components
biometic plana
Areas of expertise I am a member of the Aerospace Composites research group, working in the field of Multifunctional Composites.

- Self-healing of space composite structures

Research funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) assessed the feasibility of using functional repair components stored inside hollow reinforcing fibres as a self-healing system for future composite space structures.

- Biomimetic plana and branched self-healing networks in composite laminated.

The healing potential and repair strategies of living organisms is increasingly of interest to designers seeking lower mass structures with increased service life who wish to progress from a conventional damage tolerance philosophy. Naturally occurring ‘materials’ have evolved into highly sophisticated, integrated, hierarchical structures that commonly exhibit multifunctional behaviour. Inspiration and mimicry of these microstructures and micro-mechanisms offers considerable potential to in the design and improvement of material performance.